We scan movies in 8 mm, 16 mm and 35 mm formats in high definition from HD to 4K with audio capture. We can also provide color grading,  stabilization and restoration to old movies.

Film Scanning

We provide scanning services for 8 mm, 16 mm and 35 mm film. Our expertise with film, spanning three generations over a period of seventy years has enabled us to scan old movies with great accuracy and fidelity to the original film. Our high definition scanners can provide an excellent image quality in HD format or 4K format at high bit rates. We can subsequently, process the film digitally to remove any dirt, grain and can sharpen the image. We can also color grade it since film tends to lose color and contrast over the years due to the “vinegar effect”. The final result is of such high quality that it can be shown in movie theaters.

2018-04-26T09:27:59+00:00 By |Services|